- 辦公室:工一館 522
- 電話:03-5742923
- 研究方向:微機械結構、微致動器、微製程平台、微生光機電系統整合、微元件的檢測技術。
- fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw
- 學歷
- 美國卡內基麥倫大學機械工程系工學博士
- 現職
- 國立清華大學 動力機械系講座教授 2016/8~present
- 國立清華大學 奈米工程與微系統研究所合聘教授 2003/8~present
- 經歷
- J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Board member, (2005迄今)
- J. of Micro-Nanolithography, MEMS and MOEMS, Associate editor (2009迄今)
- J. of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Editor (published by the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2009 迄今)
- The World Micromachine Summit, Chief delegate of Taiwan, (2008迄今)
- IEEE Transducers Conference, International Steering Committee, (2009迄今)
- IEEE MEMS Conference, Technical Program Committee, (2004, 2007, 2010)
- IEEE Transducers Conference, Technical Program Committee, (2007)
- IEEE Transducers Conference, Executive Program Committee, (2009, 2011)
- IEEE Sensors Conference, Asia/Oceania Regional Program Co-Chair, (2010)
- IEEE sensors Journal, Associate editor, (2010)
- SEMI 台灣 MEMS委員會委員 (2010迄今)
- 中華民國微系統暨奈米科技協會常務理事 (2008迄今)
- 中華民國微系統暨奈米科技協會理事 (2001 – 2008)
- 國立清華大學 動力機械系特聘教授 (2012/5~2016/7)
- 1.W. Fang and J.A. Wickert, 1994, “Response of a Periodically Driven Impact Oscillator,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol 170, pp 397-409.
- 2.W. Fang and J.A. Wickert, 1994, “Post-buckling of Micromachined Beams,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol 4, pp 116-122.
- 3.W. Fang and J.A. Wickert, 1995, “Comments on Measuring Thin Film Stresses Using Bi-layer Micromachined Beams,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol 5, pp 276-281.
- 4.W. Fang, J.-G. Tseng and J.A. Wickert, 1995, “Asymptotic Treatment of Non-classically Damped Linear Systems,” Applied Mechanics Reviews, pp s111-s117.
- 5.W. Fang and J.A. Wickert, 1996, “Determining Mean and Gradient Residual Stresses in Thin Films with Micromachined Structures,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol 6, pp 301-309.
- 6.W. Fang, 1998, “Design of Bulk Micromachined Suspensions,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 8, pp. 263-271. (Corresponding author)
- 7.W. Fang, H.-C., Tsai, and C.-Y. Lo, 1999, “Determining Thermal Expansion Coefficients of Thin Films Using Micromachined Cantilevers,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 77, pp. 21-27. (Corresponding author)